Sunday, November 16, 2008


Quick Facts – Drinking age

1. The legal drinking age was changed from 18 to 21 in 1984.
2. Instances of people getting sick after/while drinking went up 4 percent soon after the law was changed in 1984.
3. The United States has the highest drinking age in the world.
4. The proportion of people (including young peoples) who drink has been going down ever since 1980.
5. According to 3,375 students at 56 different colleges in 1987, more students underage drank than those of age.
6. Underage drinkers consume 25% of all alcoholic drinks in the U.S.
7. Top ten Alcohol Consuming Countries Gallons per person on average.
i. Portugal 2.98
ii. Luxembourg 2.95
iii. France 2.87
iv. Hungary 2.66
v. Spain 2.66
vi. Czech Republic 2.64
vii. Denmark 2.61
viii. Germany 2.50
ix. Austria 2.50
x. Switzerland 2.43
8. Many countries have different ages for being able to purchase and drink alcohol. For example; Kazakhstan you can drink at any age but you cannot purchase alcohol until you are 18.
9. In 1984 when the drinking age was 18, only 8 percent of high school seniors had never used alcohol in their lifetime. Over time, that percent of seniors has risen to 28 percent.
10. One glass of milk can give a person a .02 blood alcohol concentration (BAC) on a Breathalyzer test.

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